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Certifided Emotion Code Practioner

About Me 

My name is Dianne O’Connell and I live in Ontario, Canada. I became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner because I wanted to help people in a natural and healthy way. I was certified in June, 2023 and the individuals I have already helped have been amazing, I have even surprised myself. I have also done several sessions on myself and the improvements on myself alone have been remarkable. 

I had surgery in April on my left elbow and my recovery was quick and very low in pain to the extent where I did not need any medication from day one after the surgery, although some very powerful prescriptions were prescribed.  I did not need them as simple as that.

I had arthritic pain in my big toe that prevented and restricted footwear and I was able to remove the energies that caused this pain, and now shoe wear is no longer a problem and the pain is gone. Neck stiffness issues were resolved almost immediately after dealing with it for years! Today I released 11 energies that lead me to pathogens that were in different organs within my body that have been known to be the route cause of various deseases. Some energies have been in my body sinse I was a very young child. All these sessions can lead to the awareness of these trapped energies and the release is so I can live a happier, healthy life and with my help so can you!

Today I am in my 68th year, I take no perscription medications and am living a happy, healthy life. I continue to work on myself, however the results that I continue to see from others are my greatest rewards. I am gratefuI to Dr Bradley Nelson for sharing this opportunity to study under him and bring his message of holistic health to individuals around the globe.

There is a gift of healing available to you that is non-invasive with little sharing of information or having to relive past traumas. Start your path of a health and happiness and let’s remove those energy blocks, so be sure to book your appointments today!

Caring For Your Health

You are living your best life when your mind and body are balanced and healthy. The effort that went into achieving this goal, as I partisipated with a conscientious effort in learning how to practice The Emotion Code with the help of many clients. This is a milestone achievement! My hope is that l continue to hone my skills, helping many people along the way.

Natural Healing

Dr Nelson Bradley

What's The Emotion Code?

Dr. Bradley Nelson explains: The Emotion Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor, after he saw his clients coming back week after week with the same issue. He suspected there was an emotional underlying issue, and found a way to identify the trapped emotion and release it.

About the Author

Dr. Bradley Nelson is a renowned holistic practitioner and lecturer who has worked with thousands of clients. His methods are a unique blend of energy healing, applied kinesiology, and magnet therapy. Nelson is widely considered the foremost expert in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. 

Releasing Emotional Baggage!

What is the Emotion Code?

Where Emotions Become Trapped in the Body

Everything is made up of energy, including our bodies. Emotions each have their own vibrational frequencies, and those energetic vibrations can interact with the vibrations of our bodies, becoming stuck in certain locations. Emotions stored in body parts can affect the health and wellness of those body parts. Trapped emotions can become stored anywhere, though there are certain patterns sometimes observed. 

Where a certain emotion is trapped won’t be the same for everyone. While many people experience feelings of stress as tightness in their chest or their jaw, that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where you’ll find the vibration of stress every time. Similarly, when we’re heartbroken, we often experience that emotion as a sensation in the chest. That might mean the feeling becomes stuck there, but it could also become lodged elsewhere! Not every person will experience an emotion in the same place in their body. 

Emotional Baggage Examples

Trapped emotional energy could come from a wide variety of experiences. A few examples include heartbreak, being let go from a job you love, a scary situation occurring, having a fight with a loved one, a major life change, an illness or injury, and many more. The more intense the experience, the higher the likelihood that emotions will become stored in the body.

When we experience an emotion, that process would ideally go something like this:

  1. An emotional vibration is created

  2. We feel the emotion, as well as experience any physical sensations or thoughts associated with that emotion

  3. We process the emotion and the vibration leaves the body

When step two or three gets interrupted, that is often what leads to an emotion becoming stuck in the body – lingering there and causing physical or emotional issues. 

Trapped emotions can cause many, many different issues! Some examples of the potential impact of emotional baggage are:

  • Feeling low self-worth or self-esteem

  • Challenges connecting to others and experiencing love 

  • Experiencing physical discomfort or illnesses

  • Becoming more reactive to stressful or upsetting situations.

Dr Bradley Nelson On Raw & Real

The Heart- Wall

There may have been times in your own life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as “heartache.” This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat may occur when someone is hurting us or we have a deep sense of grief or loss. I believe that the heart is actually the core of our being, just like the ancients believed. And I think that the spirit within us does not like this feeling. I believe that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life, that your subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect your heart against further heartache. We refer to this wall of energy as the “Heart-Wall.”

Releasing Trapped Emotions from Your Body with The Emotion Code and The Body Code

The most effective way we have found to release emotions that have become trapped in your body is through energy healing with the Emotion Code and the Body Code. These methods are simple and effective. They use the body’s innate knowledge to determine exactly which emotions are trapped and pinpoint where the emotional baggage is stuck. By identifying the specific emotion and location, practitioners of the Emotion Code and the Body Code are then able to effectively release the vibration with the use of magnetic energy. These powerful tools are non-invasive, easy to learn and use, and often provide immediate relief from a wide array of physical and mental issues!

The Emotion Code Method, Episode 1

The Emotion Code Method, Episode 2

Weighing of the Heart

Phone & Virtual Appointments Available

Emotional Recovery After Stroke

Check back for new videos often!

How It Works

Emotional/Mental Disabilities

  • Addiction

  • Anger

  • Anxiousness

  • Attention Problems

  • Sadness

  • Eating Disorders

  • Fighting

  • Intimacy Issues

  • Lack of Love

  • Learning Disabilities

Physical Issues

  • Aging Issues

  • Allergies

  • Lung Issues

  • Autoimmune Issues

  • Back Issues

  • Blood Sugar

  • Chest Discomfort

  • Chronic Illness

  • Fatigue

  • Digestive Issues

Energy imbalances can cause a number of different issues so identifying and releasing these imbalances can offer a whole new sense of wellness.

Processing After A Session 

Generally, we find we can address and correct from one to twelve imbalances in an individual session before a person's body needs time to process the work that has been done. Once the pendulum isn’t giving answers any more it is probably because we are done with this particular session. The body needs time to do its healing work and needs time to adjust to the new state of things before more corrections can be made.

When The Session Is Over “Processing” Begins 

Processing is the healing period after an emotional or energetic release. Generally processing last one or two days but can be longer if the energies released were from a particularly intense emotional episode. During that time a person may or may not experience some symptoms such as emotional ups and downs, crying, sleeplessness, a need for extra sleep, vivid dreams and in some rare cases, nausea or headaches.

Most often, people feel immediate improvements from a Body Code session. But sometimes people tend to be slightly more emotionally sensitive than normal, if anything. It is important to note that people will go through this processing period when emotions and energies are released.

Processing time is often the reason results are not seen immediately. 

Emotion Code Demonstration

The Emotion Code Helps With Additional Symptoms

  • ADHD 

  • ADD 

  • Addictions 

  • Allergies 

  • Asthma 

  • Back Pain 

  • Bowel Issues 

  • Brain Fog 

  • Child Abuse 

  • Chronic Cough 

  • Chronic Sciatica 

  • Deficiencies 

  • Dementia 

  • Depression 

  • Disconnection 

  • Disfunction 

  • Earache 

  • Emotional Trauma

  • Fatigue 

  • Food Allergies 

  • Food/Drink Addiction 

  • Gallbladder Pain 

  • Hip Pain 

  • Itchy Ear 

  • Idea Allergies 

  • Infections 

  • Joint Pain 

  • Leg Pain 

  • Migraine Headaches 

  • Misalignments

  • Morning Sickness 

  • Nightmares 

  • Night Terrors 

  • Paralyzed Arm 

  • Physical Trauma 

  • PTSD 

  • Scoliosis 

  • Severe Back Pain 

  • Sore Throat 

  • Stroke 

Request Information

The Emotion Code

Our bodies are quite adept at repairing themselves. The Emotion Code is a natural, non-invasive method that aids that natural ability for the body to heal itself. I have seen some clients where symptoms have been instantly resolved. However like most individuals everyone

heals at a different rate of time. As with any form of therapy you need to give the process time for the body to heal and like most therapys several sessions may be need to truly experience the impact of this healing. Be sure to check out the testimonies of average people whom have experienced the process.

The Emotion Code is an energy-based therapy that is used to quickly and easily identify, and release trapped emotional energy. Dr. Bradley Nelson developed the Emotion Code over twenty years of practice as a chiropractor. The Emotion Code works by literally getting rid of emotional baggage.

  1. Trapped Emotions are identified individually and released one at a time, not in groups or bundles.

  2. To release the pain, each trapped emotion had to be identified as a single and separate energy.

  3. The Emotion Code is a very precise method. First, we recognize God and ask for his help. Then we muscle test to identify the trapped emotion using the Chart of Emotions. Next we ask if anything else needs to be discovered before releasing the emotion.

  4. It is important to let the body tell you how much Emotion Code work to do in a session.

  5. The body needs a few days to process trapped emotions after they are released.

Releasing Trapped Emotions

The Body Needs A Few Days To Process Trapped Emotions After They Are Released.

You may look at this time as your recovery, when you might feel some side-effects of processing the emotions that were just released. Most of the time, processing is pretty mild and isn’t really noticed. You might feel lighter and less burdened. Other times you may feel some negative symptoms from processing. You may feel some echoes of the emotions that were released. You may feel tired, out of sorts emotionally, or you may cry or even feel sick. The unpleasant effects don’t typically last for more than a day or two, and they are usually very mild.

The Body Code

I have been using The Body Code App with my clients and they as well as myself are amazed at the details that come up with determining which imbalanced energies need to be released and in what order to release them.

The Governing Meridian

In both the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™ methods, magnetic energy is used to clear imbalances and trapped emotions from the Governing Meridian. So, what exactly is the Governing Meridian, and why is it important in energy healing? 

What is a Meridian?

To understand the Governing Meridian, it’s important to have a general understanding of what meridians are, and how they function within the body. The concept of meridians originated in Chinese Medicine. They are used in many healing practices including massage, energy healing, and acupuncture. A simple definition is that meridians are channels that allow energy to flow through the physical being. 

Why is the Governing Meridian Important in Energy Healing?

The Governing Meridian runs along the center of the body, from the tailbone up over the top of the head, to the top lip. Because it is connected to every other meridian throughout the body, it is a powerful way to access the body’s energy. 

When using the Emotion Code and Body Code, practitioners will clear energetic blockages, imbalances, and trapped emotions from the Governing Meridian. This is typically done by first identifying the specific energy that is causing an issue, then swiping a magnet along the Governing Meridian. Since the body is made of electromagnetic energy, the use of a magnet can attract the energy of the imbalance, essentially pulling the blockage from the body.


“I tried this method, the Emotion Code®, first on myself! I had sharp pains in my left upper abdomen for 5 to 6 years. After the release of just two emotions, this stinging pain was immediately gone and has not come back to this day. That convinced me to learn this method intensively and to use it as a practitioner.”

~Kerstin B, Ingelheim-Wackernheim, Germany


“I have seen so many incredible changes with the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™ both in myself and in others! Lessened anxiety, improved headaches, disappearing aches and pains, shaking hands becoming steady, improved hearing, a non-functioning knee becoming functional, health and disposition improvements in horses, cattle, cats and dogs…just to name a few!”

~Jody D, Colorado, USA

The Body Code App

Using the Body Code App allows for details on specific trapped energies which can target issues that need to be decoded and released. It is an amazing tool that will let me remove the imbalances that need to be removed to restore your natural balances that can improve your overall wellness.

Phone & Virtual Appointments Available

Animals and Trapped Emotions

Amazing Horse Stories

I have been involved with horse training and riding since I was fourteen years old. I now own and operate an equestrian facility. I regularly compete in National Reining Horse Association events around the country with my horses. I met Dr. Nelson and his wife, Jean a year or so ago, and have been privileged to have the two of them work on some of my horses, with amazing results, and I would like to share with you what I have seen. All my horses are quarter horses, and are considered working cattle horses. One of my favorite horses is Newt. He is now 14 years old, and has been retired for 5 years, which is very unusual for a horse, but Newt has some problems. About 10 years ago, Newt slept on an anthill, and was bitten repeatedly by ants in a large area of skin over his left hind-quarter. Within a few days, all the hair fell out of that area, and he never really recovered from it. Although the hair grew back, I quit showing him about 6 or 7 years ago, as he just couldn’t perform any more, and it was obvious to me that he was in pain. His energy level was very low, and it seemed that he was suddenly old before his time. Over the last five years he has been totally retired, but I have been taking him out about twice a year to work him just a bit, just to give him something to do. Over the years I have had vets look at him, chiropractors, and even tried shock therapy, but nothing worked at all. Newt is a very valuable horse. Both of his grandparents were from DocBarr twice, from both mother and father. DocBarr is a very famous quarter horse. His mother’s lineage is in the top 5 reining and cow-horses in the country. As Dr. Nelson and Jean worked on Newt, they told me that he was suffering from trapped emotions. Specifically, he had lack of control and nervousness from around age 2. This dated back to before I had him, when he had been worked too hard and too aggressively by his former owner/trainer. They said he had some sort of disconnection going on in the left hindquarter, dating back to the ant bites as well. Since Dr. Nelson and his wife worked on him, (he had a total of one treatment that lasted about 30 minutes) Newt is like a new horse. In fact, it’s like he has suddenly gone back to where he was when he was a four-year-old. I can now use him to rope cattle, which puts a lot of strain on the horse’s back, with no problem. I can rein him and put him through all his paces, and he performs at the top of his game. It’s amazing to me how he acts now. He is full of energy, and wants to play all the time. After being retired and unable to do much of anything at all for many years, Newt is brand-new.


“I love to work with the Emotion Code® because it is a transparent and easy way to directly connect people with their inner wisdom. Working with the sway method always surprises them and connects them to hear their own intuition.

“The biggest surprise for me was the results with puppies. It worked immediately! My clients were really grateful for the work. It was the first time that I had worked with animals, since I have worked with people as a coach for many years. I loved it!”

Maria Clara E, Bogotá, Columbia


Testimony - July 6. 2023

The times that we met was amazing. The pain the first time in my arms was over the top at a 15 out of 10. By the time we had finished the pain level was down to about 6. The next time we worked on my right leg and again the pain was severe. By the time I left there was a definite spring to my step. Instead of taking 10 to 15 minutes to walk with my cane it was about a quick 5 minute walk and no pain. Thanks Dianne..keep up the great work. . . . . . . . Pat R. Harley, Ontario

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Releasing Trapped Emotions

Phone & Virtual Appointments Available

Healing With Magnets

A man who is swayed by negative emotions may have

good enough intentions, may be truthful in word, but he will

never find the Truth. —— Gandhi

Energy healing works to restore and maintain harmony of the energy field within the body, so the body can remain as healthy as possible. I can find imbalances in the body by using a pendulum and getting answers that will tell me which imbalances exist in the body and the order in which to release them. Releasing is done using magnets and when doing so amazing things happen, sometimes quickly and sometimes over time, but they do happen! Amazing things happen! People’s illnesses and imbalances diminish and disappear, pain has lessened and at times been removed completely. The body has the ability to heal its self when the options to do, such as releasing Trapped Emotions using a magnet have been applied.

Start to think of yourself as a being of pure energy and that these trapped emotions can cause major damage to your body They can effect you emotionally, mentally and physically. They are made of pure energy, however they are negative energy and the sooner you can get rid of them the better you will begin to feel and your imbalances can begin to be restore to a more happier, healthier you.

Holistic healing is similiar in the fact that some results will be instantaneous and some may take time to see the results.

Remember when booking your sessions for Trapped Emotions: Details are unnecessary, Discussion is unnecessary, Reliving is unnecessary.

Please choose your package.

One 40 minute session $50

Two 40 minute sessions $90

Three 40 minute sessions $130

Six 40 minute sessions $250 + Free Heart Wall Session